Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Eggs and Breast Milk

Occasionally I think I might have something helpful to share.  Sometimes it is from my heart how the Lord is searching it, stretching it and molding it into something he calls unique.  Sometimes it is what not to do in parenting...or here's how we have tried-failed-tried-failed-tried...ahhh found some results...and sometimes just practical "holy cow who knew" kind of information.  Today is just such a day.  Home remedies at their best.

Let me set the scene for you.

I had just had Hope, our 3rd.  I actually had a fairly good supply of breast milk for once and was so very excited.  Nursing wasn't as difficult the 3rd time around...thank God and things were just trucking right on along.  Well a few weeks in...maybe like 8 ish weeks I noticed one of her eyes looking kind of goopie like "Oh great pink eye."  I took her to the doctor and she thought it was probably just a plugged tear duct and that it would work itself out, but here was some eye drops to do if it didn't get any better, or went to the other eye as well.  And honestly, one of my eyes was kind of getting that pink eye heavy feeling.  So I am sitting there in my full time job of nursing at that point of an infants life, looking at her, in awe of her...and somewhere in the recesses of my brain came something that I had "heard one time."  You know those things that people tell you, and you think is cool, but really how would anyone ever really know.....unless you do it yourself.  So I had heard that putting some of your breast milk in their eyes would heal it right up.  Really?  Breast milk.  So I am staring at her right and running all of those thoughts through my head of...is that gross or really cool?  Is it silly to try?  It can't hurt her, right, I mean I am feeding her with it...let's just say my curiosity got the better of me.  When she was finished I just did a little ol squirt right there in the problem eye...nothing exploded...she didn't wail in agony...I felt kind of like a hippie or something - earth mother-ish...and wouldn't you know I did  it a couple more times and that eye healed right on up.  Guess what else I did?  Yup.  I took a little bit of that excess milk that had been pumped in the freezer...filled up a little syringe that you use to administer meds to your little ones and squirted some of my own milk magic in my own weird eye....yup its true.  It wasn't gross...it wasn't like that Friends episode where Ross won't try the breast milk...it healed my eye right on up too!  Amazing!  Our God is so stinkin' creative and wonderful, and true that he would do that!  I love it.  So... those of you nursing...don't hold back!  Those of you not...so sorry...I do think it'd be weird to ask a nursing mom if you could borrow some of her milk for your bum eye!

Ok...onto the next one.

My parents were here helping us to move into our new home.  Wyatt's lamp had gotten busted in the move, which was really fine I didn't love it.  So we trekked to the all wonderful Target and found the most delightful lamp.  It had an old school wooden red car for the pull down thingy (not sure what that is technically called) and it has a car racing on the shade, but when you turn the light on words appear that say "Champ" and a trophy lights up.  Sweet and precious.  Well, Wyatt just loves it.  That first day all of a sudden I hear him say "Owe my brain hurts my brain hurts."
Pause for a moment.  You know there are parenting moments that you don't know you need to teach about until you are actually in the moment and you need to teach about them.
Well...sweet Wyatt had literally tried to stick his head inside the lamp shade to see the words go on and off as the light went on and off.  But when a light bulb has been on it gets hot...REALLY hot.  That sweet boy had burned himself right in the middle of his forehead.
So here is the home remedy.  Literally earlier that day my mom  and I were talking about the awesomeness of egg whites and what a pure protein they are etc and she began to share with me the story of a man who was having car trouble and had stopped by the side of of a rural road to fix it.  The car actually exploded or something exploded in his face.  A woman who lived on a farm nearby saw this and immediately ran in to get her eggs.  She began to crack them all over his face.  Later the doctors told her that she had saved his face.
So...Wyatt burned a hole in his head (his nickname for the rest of the week became Lightbulb brain) and I said...well go get the eggs...it can't hurt.  We began to dob (is that even a word?) egg whites on that spot several times a day over the next week.  It was amazing.  It never, I mean never blistered up and honestly it should have.  It was a nasty burn.  It scabbed up (we call that a God band-aid) we kept putting on the egg whites...scab fell off about a week later and you can barely tell that anything happened at all!  Again...God is so cool to have put something so easy right in our path for healing.

Isn't that the truth with a lot of the "things" that need healing in our lives.  It's right there.  Sometimes we have to be courageous to try something out of the norm that others might scoff at...sometimes we just need to use what we already have at our disposal but in a little bit different way...sometimes we just need to be willing to see that the Lord chooses to heal us in HIS way...I am thankful for the way he has been healing my heart lately.  Thankful that He chooses to do it!  Thankful that I am letting him.  How are you doing with that dear reader?  Take courage...He desperately loves you!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent advice! Thanks for sharing. I will be filing this away for a day when we need it! I have a friend who is dealing with Pink Eye in her family right now....I will be sharing this with them! Hope you are getting settled in your new place!
