Monday, August 19, 2013

My Purpose and Calling

Last night was a moment I don't want to forget.  It was gloriously unexpected...and wonderfully hoped for.

You see the church we attend and that Jason works for was having a special event to celebrate where we have been, where we are, and where we hope to be going.  It would be a night of worship and vision casting.  We were supposed to meet up with other families from our small group, but as life would have it that just didn't get to happen.  I was beginning to think I wouldn't go either b/c I couldn't find a sitter.  I wanted to be there to support Jason, but I also selfishly wanted to experience the night undistracted...and that wasn't looking like it would happen.  There was childcare for the youngest two, and Caroline would come with me.
Before the service (which didn't begin until 7pm - so this was pushing everyone's bedtime routine) they had food trucks come to the church...well they were slammed-everyone was sweaty and hungry...Wyatt was about to loose it...did a couple of times from the hunger...but he would calm down...then tackle one of his sisters to the ground all of them laughing!  Finally we eat, and head in to check them into classes just as the video begins to roll...Wyatt has a change of heart and says he "does not want to go in there." Instead of making a deal out of it, I just told him to come on and now I would have both of them with me in the service.  I came armed w/ crayons, coloring books, and library books...we sat at the back to be in the least loud place...and secretly an easy place to sneak out should I need to.
I worshipped...they watched...they worshipped...and colored...and asked when did we get to go home...but honestly it was great to have them in there with me.
Then the lights dimmed a bit more and it was time for communion.  With Wyatt on my lap, and C right beside me she asked what communion was.  I began to remind them about all of our conversations at Easter time when we do our Easter story all of Holy Week.  Yes they remembered.  We talked in our last row of the auditorium about Passover...about the Last Supper...about Jesus telling the disciples that he was going to die and from now on a way they could remember him was that every time they ate bread to do it in remembrance of him, that it was his body broken for them.  Then I explained about the wine, that it was his blood and what he said to the disciples. I told them, that taking communion for someone who has a relationship with Jesus, who has asked them into their life and heart is a way that we remember him and honor him and all that he sacrificed for us.  Caroline immediately asked if she could take communion also - see she asked Jesus into her heart a year ago May - I told her yes.  Then this sweet little voice on my lap said, "I want to ask Jesus into my heart mom."

Pause here.  Wyatt and I have been having conversations about this for months.  Caroline might bring it up, or something...he has been asking questions...I would answer them then ask him if he would like to ask Jesus into his heart.  No was the recurring answer.  Ok...that was fine, I knew it would be the Holy Spirit's doing and not mine.  I would let him know he could ask me questions or Caroline, or Daddy and we would love to answer them.  Wyatt is a kid that will pray every once in a while...on his terms...or practice his life verse...on his terms...never at my leading.

So when he said, "Mom I want to ask Jesus into my heart."  My heart skipped a bit at the thrill of this holy moment that was about to happen in the last row...everything else faded away and it was just me, C and Wyatt!  So I asked if he remembered that he was a sinner, and did wrong things, but that Jesus died for those sins and came back to life?  Yes, he remembered.   So then I asked him to repeat a prayer after went a little like this, and his sweet little voice repeated the whole thing..."Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and make bad choices sometimes that hurt you.  But I know that you love me, and died for my sins and want me to be in your family.  Thanks Jesus.  Amen."  Then without hardly a pause he turned and looked at me and said, "Is he in there?"  - Love it - "Yes bud he is and always will be."

Right after that the communion tray appeared out of nowhere on our row, the 3 of us grabbed our elements, I handed the tray off and then I led my sweet kids in their first communion.  It was all I could do to not run up to Jason - who was producing the event- and tell him what happened....or have him throw all of that down to come back to the last row to join was so special to do that with Wyatt and Caroline.

I shared later with my parents and Jason's and my mother-in-law thanked me for sharing Christ with Wyatt.  I just said back it is my purpose and calling.  I don't think I have ever thought it so clearly as I did last night.  Teaching my children about Jesus...all parts...and then having that moment with my son was a fulfillment I believe of my purpose as a mom.  I am really thankful that all our babysitters were busy...and that Wyatt was having yet another moment of not wanting to go where I was wanting him to go...and that my selfish heart at wanting alone worship time didn't happen...because my son asked Jesus into his heart.  There will be lots of time for theology with Wyatt in the years to come about sin, and forgiveness, and grace etc...but what happened last night was epic.

My son and Eternity now go together.

1 comment:

  1. Tears, "my son and eternity now go together"....beautiful!
