Saturday, December 17, 2011

Teaching to Remember and Celebrate

Today was a special day for me. We took gifts down to Scottish Rite Children's Hospital here in Atlanta GA in honor of Wyatt. See just 3 years ago (wow!) Wyatt was rushed to the hospital at just 19 days old on Dec. 24, 2008 for RSV. What we thought would be just a couple of days turned into 9...we left Jan. 1, 2009. We had the best care physically and emotionally while there. On Christmas day there were volunteers who arrived to give our sweet new born Christmas gifts...when they saw that Caroline was there they brought in gifts for her as well. We were amazed how people were so selflessly giving up their time w/ family to make sure our family was cared for.
So we have decided that each Christmas we will take gifts down to the hospital and ask that it be given to an infant on the respiratory wing. It is a precious day of remembering for me. Remembering what a crazy time of utter dependance on the Lord that was for me. It was a very small room, a tiny little window, and a really sick little baby boy. I barely could leave his side. People kept telling me that they thought I should just go home and sleep at least one night there. But I was the milk supply. And honestly, when he nursed that was the only non-medical kind of touching he got...nothing plastic, nothing beeping...just momma. I couldn't leave. Caroline would come for a visit each day (my mom would bring her and would always have her dressed up, with her hair fixed so cute) - I would totally loose it when I saw Caroline b/c I was also her mom and I missed her like crazy. I am sure I was struggling w/ some baby blues...I just would cry. When he would have his respiratory therapy I would have to hold his head and arms still and I would just sing over him while they did the treatments. Sleep was little. He also had one of the worst diaper rashes that the docs had ever seen. People had to put on masks when they came in his room. It was hard. We celebrated Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and Day there. It was a long 9 days...but it was a time of trusting others, gratefulness for my mom being here to take Caroline, Doctors, nurses...all were caring for us without knowing us...amazing.
So each year, as the kids get older we talk a little bit more about why we go and do this. That it is important to remember how other people have cared for you-to celebrate that, to remember it...and to then turn around and care for someone else...because as I type this I am quite certain there is probably an infant in the respiratory wing with a momma thinking, I can't leave to go buy gifts I have to stay by his side. I pray those little things we left will be a reminder to that family that they are loved without being known...just like we were.

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