Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Wyatt's Birth
First some updates. We are on day 6 of Wyatt being dry AND clean all day long! Woah! That beats last weeks post...if you haven't read it and you need a laugh please read The Humor in Potty Training.
Education stuff...We are in the middle of visiting different schools in the area this week. Three different university style schools and the public elementary school our kids would go to. I have found that I like the "what" they are teaching at two of the schools but the presentation of the environment is sub par. I know I have been ruined by North Point to think that everything can be done with excellence. Environments can be engaging and capture the hearts of a child...but then I see these two schools and think there is nothing visually that makes me want to learn...much less I can't imagine my kids wanting to learn here. Then we go to an awesome place last night...I told someone that I feel like I have just tried on the $5000 wedding dress at the sweet little boutique that you know you can't afford. Why do we torture ourselves this way. So I am setting up the tour w/ our public school and I'll let you know how that goes. I am almost to the point where I just a decision to be made. Praying for perseverance in this process. Praying for an ability to let my husband process this differently. Peace. Like mindedness...
Ok enough of the updates. Now for today's post.
I wanted to share about what the Lord did in my heart during Wyatt's labor. Let's rewind just a moment. When we had Caroline it was just Jason and I. No other family in the room. For Wyatt's birth I really wanted to have my mom in there. She had had C-Sections with both my brother and I and hadn't had the opportunity to see a birth...I thought she should have that opportunity. Plus, my mom and I are really close and I wanted she and I to have that memory together. I wasn't excluding my mother in law. We have a good relationship. I just wanted it to be my mom. I am sure I'm not the only one out there who has done this. So now it's Dec 4, Jason's birthday. We are at one of the many doctor's appointments. Jason is actually with me because we were going to do an amnio to see about inducing that week even though I was only 37 weeks. I was measuring big and we wanted to deliver b/c of my diabetes etc. When the doc comes in he just starts talking like we know what he is talking about. I stop him and say, "Wait we aren't getting an amnio?" He says, "No sorry I thought the nurse told you. Your fluid levels are too low to do one and you need to go right now to be induced and we need to deliver this baby." What?!!! So excited call my mom she throws a bag together and leaves for the airport in about 30 minutes...I mean she has to make it here in time for the birth. This is my special moment with my mom.
She ends up getting here that night. Stays w/ Caroline and then the next day around noon I think comes to hospital. My mother in law comes too and it was a great day of those two and Jason being there. You may not know my birth story with Caroline but the short story is that my epidural didn't work the whole way with her. I felt every contraction but nothing else. Still very painful...they assured me it was just a weird thing with that birth...well come to find out two babies later this might just be how my body does epidurals. So with Wyatt the epidural wasn't working the whole way again. It was a day of "let's try this position" to get the baby to come down b/c let's be honest...I was 3 weeks early and nothing had begun to change physically so it just takes time to do that synthetically.
I finally just decided to have them stop trying to get me comfortable. I knew I could make it through the pain. I had done it once before. I would rather have things progress than not have the pain. Things still hadn't begun to is now around 7pm. The doc had just checked me as she was going off her shift (this is the 2nd doc) and I was just a 4...still just a 4! To say I was frustrated was mild. But I knew something would change if we just gave it time. So the 2nd doc goes off shift and now I will have a doc that I had never met. So now at 7pm things begin to change. My mom can tell and says that maybe she and Bettie (mother in law) should just leave and give me some time. Jason was there. I had him right by my side at my head so I could squeeze his hand if I needed. I was laying on my left side...trembling...shuddering...and breathing through some very intense contractions. My eyes are closed...and I begin to have one of the most precious moments with the Lord. I felt like the Lord was impressing on my heart that this birth wasn't about me...
Now...let's pause...because if you know me you know that I do love for things to be about me on occasion. I love to be in front of a microphone. I love communicating. One of the reasons I love having babies is that I actually love the birthing experience. I love feeling so special like you do when you are birthing a child. Back to the story...
...this birth isn't about me. I felt like I was to invite Bettie to be in the room too. I talked through the next 45 minutes as I was in intense pain with the Lord about this. He said to my heart this isn't about you today this is about Bettie she needs to be in this room. I couldn't believe it. The Lord was again asking me to be obedient about something I wanted one way and he wanted another.
Now it is 7:45 and I am feeling major pressure. I tell Jason to go get the nurse. It takes them about 15 minutes to get in there. I was ticked about that. When they enter though the new doc that I had never met comes in. She says, "Hi I'm Dr. Dodder. I can see you are woman who has an epidural, but you look like a woman who doesn't have an epidural. Let's check you." She does. She says it's time. Through a contraction I tell Jason to go get our moms. He does. And in true Jason fashion he just tells them it's time and to go stand in the corner and don't say a word. They do.
I had transitioned from a 4 to a 10 in 45 minutes. I gave one push and she told me to wait b/c we would be having this baby on the next push. I couldn't believe it. I pushed for 1.5 hours w/ Caroline. I pushed through the next contraction and Wyatt Christopher was born.
I am so very thankful I was able to hear the Lord's voice in all of that. Because see those two women are two of the most amazing prayer warriors. I knew they were praying up a storm during that birth...because just a few moments after he is born and the nurses are looking him over the doc gets my attention and says the following..."Allison, your baby is doing just fine but I want to show you something. She then holds up the is in a perfect knot. She said she hadn't ever seen one of these before and the cord isn't ever supposed to be like this..and that things could have turned out much different. He was a miracle."
Thank you Lord for your protection over Wyatt. Thank you Lord for speaking to my heart in the most unexpected moments. Thank you Lord for women in my life speaking prayers over us...who love you and love me. Thank you Lord.
*the pics are of the cord and the grandmother's holding Wyatt right after he was born. He was really bruised in his face b/c he came through the birth canal so fast. And then the last one of me w/ our great doctor.
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